New Media Design

NMIX 6111e • Summer 2019

New Media Design (NMIX 6111) at the University of Georgia introduces students to design in the modern world on the digital web. Tools introduced and used thoughout the course include Adobe Xd, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. Adobe's design-social platform Bēhance was also used to display our work outside the focused curriculum. Below you can see the projects and designs I made through this course.

Key Deliverables

Adobe XD

Adobe Xd is a powerful prototype and design tool used to create layouts and mockups for websites and apps for many screen/device sizes. In class, we used Xd to design websites for others and for our own ideas. For one assignment, I designed a full one-page website that promoted a video game slated to release next year, Cyberpunk 2077. In this design, I utilized strong colors, a set of fonts, and imagery that all came together to set a modern, futuristic theme. On top of that, I also created a mockup for a website that promoted a fictitious app, POP. I used complementary, bright colors with some simple type. You can see both examples below:

Screenshot of Pop, a website mockup
Screenshot of a website mockup for the videogame Cyberpunk 2077

Adobe Illustrator

The industry standard for design and illustrations, Adobe Illustrator can be used to create striking visuals and logos. Visuals for print graphics, logos, clothing, business cards, and more can be created using the plethora of tools available through Illustrator. In class, we used Illustrator to create a custom logo for our "client-partner" as well as for outside assignments. Through exploring Illustrator, I discovered it is a very handy tool for creating and exporting logos & icons at varying sizes for mobile applications.

Screenshot of a mobile app icon set designed in Illustrator
Screenshot of a custom logo that resembles a '0'

Adobe Photoshop

One of the most revered and powerful tools in photo manipulation and graphic design, Adobe Photoshop presents an opportunity to create striking images. Though I was familiar with Photoshop before this course, as I work as a graphic design intern, I used this week in the course to create images in a style that I normally do not experiment with. It was a bresh of fresh air when I dabbled more into photo manipulation techniques and styles! You can see a couple examples of what I worked on below.

The Eiffel Tower poking through the clouds behind an airplane window
A majestic landscape of grasslands with a big moon in the sky that looks like a gas giant Clones of Bailey doing different things across his dorm room